This is how I think I look in the kitchen....just like the voluptuous Sophia Loren. I have the Italian thing going for me. And I tried to get my hair colored like her...but the stylist thought red meant purple....ugh. At least Sophia has some flour haphazardly wiped on her hip. Hopefully it wasn't styled like that for the photo and she really is making pizza. But Sophia...I would use a spoon to spread the sauce:) When I was pregnant and making pizza, the flour was everywhere...especially my belly. And I love to wear black, so it was always a dress again before dinner situation. Publix has wonderful ready-made pizza dough for less than $3. The only trick....let it sit out in a bowl slicked with good olive oil. You need to let it proof, or rise, for at least an hour. My husband and I have been on the fresh mozzerella, broccoli, tomato and ricotta kick. If you'e never had ricotta on a must try it. You can season it with fresh or dried basil and oregano and garlic if you like....or dollop it right from the container. Or if you are super fancy and watch too much Food Network, you can make your own ricotta. I'll save my strength for eating the pizza. The pic below doesn't have ricotta...I must have used it all making cannolis!

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